Experts in Silicone Gasket Solutions
Experts in Silicone Gasket Solutions

Request an Electric Signage UL 48 Gasket Material Touch Brochure

SE205T Electric Signage UL 48 Touch BrochureStockwell Elastomerics is a leading manufacturer/supplier of custom electric sign gaskets and UL 48 gaskets. Use the form below to request a free “touch” brochure with small samples of gasket materials for electric signs to touch and feel. The touch samples included are:

  • R-10480S – Soft Silicone Sponge, Closed Cell
  • HT-800 – Medium Density Silicone Foam, Modified Closed Cell
  • HT-870 Soft Silicone Foam – Open Cell
  • Poron® 4701-30 Very Soft Urethane Foam, Open Cell

Request an Electric Signage UL 48 Gasket Material Touch Brochure Now!

Complete this simple form to request a touch brochure with small samples of these gasket materials at no charge (via ground transport in the USA and Canada.)

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