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Stockwell Elastomerics Engages the Team in 2021 – ESOP Expansion

Stockwell Elastomerics company meeting photoStockwell Elastomerics combines the talents of our people, our unique manufacturing processes, the commitment and expertise of our raw material partners, and our proprietary silicone elastomer bonding / molding / converting / finishing processes to satisfy our customers every day.  As we navigate the unique business environments that 2020 and 2021 have brought, we continue to enhance our focus on employee engagement.  We know that it is the employees that ultimately deliver the best sealing and cushioning solutions to our customers.

We have held many events during the past year to ensure a positive and focused team spirit:
Stockwell Elastomerics bowling party photo

  • Monthly company communication meetings (virtual and in-person)
  • Focus groups to talk about succession planning and recruiting the next generation
  • Cross functional implementation team to install a new piece of capital equipment
  • Continuing the established process of awarding a monthly “MVP” award to recognize outstanding support of our customers
  • Ensuring a safe workplace during the pandemic – communicating and working together

We are also heavily investing in the Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) culture that started in 2017. What better way to optimize employee engagement than to make the employees owners of the business? The Stockwell Elastomerics Perpetuity ESOP Trust will expand its ownership stake in 2021. As a result, the employees, via the trust, will own a greater percentage of the company than when the ESOP was originally established. This is another great reason to want to work at Stockwell Elastomerics.

Stockwell Elastomerics 100 years logoThere is a dedicated team that continues to build the ownership culture of our 100+ years old company and they are currently reading and studying An Ownership Tale, a book by Corey Rosen published by The National Center for Employee Ownership. This team is planning monthly activities to continue to teach and explain the ESOP to new and current employees. We are committed to improving the effectiveness of our business and having fun as well along the way – many of the events include games and food to enhance the learning environment.

– Tom Rimel, President, Stockwell Elastomerics

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